The French government has sometimes requested foreign company to divest themselves of their French subsidiaries. 法国政府有时要求外国公司放弃他们在法国的子公司。
Government sponsors will surely buckle, particularly in non-coastal cities without publicly-traded subsidiaries that can raise capital from the markets. 政府赞助人肯定会被压垮,尤其是在没有上市子公司能够从市场上融资的内陆城市。
Resolution authority would have helped, since the government could have and presumably would in any future case of a Wall Street collapse stood behind the holding company and backed the foreign subsidiaries through it. 决议机构或许可以派得上用场,因为政府本可以并且在任何一家华尔街银行未来破产时大概都会站在这家控股公司身后,通过该控股公司为其外国分支机构提供支持。
Under the guise of closing loopholes, the government has its eyes on the profits made in foreign subsidiaries of US companies, aiming to raise$ 210bn of tax revenue between 2011-2019. 打着堵住漏洞的幌子,美国政府已盯上了本国企业海外子公司的利润,打算在2011年至2019年期间获得2100亿美元的税收收入。
A well-developed national innovation system plays a role in conquering the market failure, defending the government and the subsidiaries system failure. 一个健全的国家创新体系具有克服市场失灵、防范政府失灵和缓解系统失灵的功能。
This article through deep analysis about the three principal-agent relationships between the state-owned commercial bank and government, bank and enterprise, main bank and its subsidiaries, points out that the best solution for the commercial bank reform is the revolution of property rights system-reform of shareholding system. 本文通过深入剖析国有商业银行与政府、银行与企业、上级行与下级行等三种基本的委托代理关系,指出国有商业银行改革的根本出路在于产权制度的创新股份制改革。